Friday, June 15, 2007

Raining in Galway

Phil hit another curb today, but the tire held. The rain is misting right now, but we're still able to get out and see things. We drove from Doolin to Galway, which I hardly recognize. Strip malls and condos litter the highway. This isn't the old Ireland I remember from 1992 that's for sure.

We stopped in Galway city center for lunch. We'll tour the shops & cathedral, pusing on to Cliffden tonight where we'll be staying at a B&B 2 nights in a row. The plan is to visit the Farragher relatives in the next 24 hrs, and tour the Conemara. Weather is forecasted to get better over the weekend. (fingers crossed)

Bob continues to serenade us with the tin whistle, and we enjoy the Irish countryside a lot more than the city. More info and pics to come later in the day.

Love to all back home,
The boys.

1 comment:

Vee said...

Hey, Phil

Hitting curbs is my trick. Quit copying.