Thursday, June 14, 2007

Getting here

An odyssey by Homer was never so twisted. First, we get in the wrong line (United), then we figure things out and discover our plane to Boston is a 30 seated puddle jumper twin prop bi-plane! Not only does this thing rattle when it takes off, but it has a stop over in Harrisburg!

We touch down in the Common Wealth’s capital only to find that thunderstorms shut down every leaving flight. Problem is our Aer Lingus plane leaves in 1 & ½ hrs which we can’t possibly make at this point. So Jennifer from US Air (who I’ll push for canonization of saint hood) booked us a flight from Philly which she then put us on a taxi ride from Harrisburg to Philly International. (Enter our insane driver Leonard, which can be saved for a different time)

We get to the Philly terminal, only to (all 3 of us) get pulled over for extensive security searches. We then push 1 mile through Terminal #1 and finally find our US air flight! But wait! It gets further delayed and we wait for another hour before finally getting air-born. A nasty day to be sure, all told 17 hours of our trip were consumed by this day.

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