Monday, June 11, 2007

The Night Before Ireland...

The eve before our big trip has finally arrived. It's been 15 months in the planning phase and tomorrow it's finally here! I can't wait! I have packed & re-packed my bag about 3 times, and I'm still not happy with what to take. For some reason I'm not sure if I'm under or over prepared. Oh well, I guess if I need more t-shirts I can just buy them there.

I have bought two more 2-gig cards and have the capacity of taking 6,000+ pics, so I'm ready to roll with the camera. Also bringing my I-pod for extra storage (20 gig) space in case something happens to the lap top.

Also bringing my trusty compass, which has saved my but several times while traveling in Asia. Sometimes you get turned around on those country roads and since we probably won't see the Sun for the first week it may come in handy.

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