Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pictures are fixed!!!

I added pics from the last 3 days. Scroll down.


griff said...

Pictures are beautiful. Hope you guys are having a blast. Tell your dad and Phill I said hello.
Snap a couple of good sunset pics for me while your one the west coast.


Unknown said...

Pretty amazing stuff. We're enjoying the site with grandma every other night or so up here @ the sunny lake.

Fran said...

Hi Guys. I'm really happy for you.The photos are great.Tell Eileen and Padraig O'Shea I said hello. Fran in Cali

Irish said...

Thanks Grif, Erin & Fran. Always good to hear from folks back home. I'll keep posting what I can when I can. Before it was once per 24 hrs, but now that we are in Dingle, internet is MUCH easier to hop onto.

Keep in touch,
The Boys